Research and Innovation Roadmap 2017–2026
In June 2016, ENTSO-E released its R&I Roadmap 2017–2026, a legally mandated deliverable providing the medium- and long-term vision for R&I activities coordinated by ENTSO-E and performed by TSOs.
Owing to fast technological and policy changes, a midway update/revision of the previous roadmap (spanning the decade 2013–2022) was needed.
The roadmap separates R&I activities in five interdependent clusters, addressing Power System Modernisation, Security and System Stability, Power System Flexibility, Power System Economics & Efficiency, and ICT & Digitalisation of Power System.
Keeping Track: ENTSO-E’s R&D Monitoring Report 2015
ENTSO-E’s R&I Monitoring Report keeps track of the progress achieved towards the objectives set in the R&I Roadmap.
The Monitoring Report 2015 looked at 71 R&D projects, both European and national, and found that the completion of the R&D objectives set by the R&D Roadmap 2013 – 2022 had considerably progressed from an estimated 11% of completion in 2013 to 38% in 2016 (see graph).
The results were used to perform a gap analysis to better inform the preparation of the R&D Roadmap 2017–2026.

Progress of the R&D roadmap 2013-2022, compared to 2013
Disseminating R&D Results: InnoGrid2020+
Every year, ENTSO-E organises the InnoGrid2020+ conference, jointly with EDSO for Smart Grids. The conference provides a platform to allow R&D projects led by DSOs and TSOs to showcase the results of their research, interact with policymakers and stakeholders, and share best practices. The fifth edition in 2016 focused on ‘digital energy’ and TSO-DSO synergies, and it showcased 25 R&D projects to over 300 attendees.
Coming Up Next
By mid 2017, ENTSO-E will release an R&I application report, looking at 19 European Commission-funded projects now finalised, assessed from the perspective of the application of the R&I results in the daily TSO business. The Implementation Plan 2017–2019 will focus on more flexibility means for TSOs, more digitalisation, use of data hubs and data exchanges, modernisation of the power system, and market design related issues.
(Picture) Innovative projects in electricity networks gather at the InnoGrid2020+ conference, June 2016.
The year 2016 saw the start of four TSO-driven R&D projects
FutureFlow: proposes R&I activities to validate that consumers and distributed generators, which fulfil technical preconditions, can be put in a position to provide balancing and redispatching services in addition to conventional units, within an attractive business environment
Promotion: will develop and demonstrate three missing key HVDC technologies, a regulatory and financial framework, and an offshore grid deployment plan for 2012 and beyond.
Migrate: will provide requirements for future measures, methods, and tools for secure operation of the upcoming converter-dominated power system.
SmartNet: aims at proposing architectures for optimised interaction between TSOs and DSOs in managing the exchange of information for the monitoring and acquisition of ancillary services (reserve and balancing, voltage regulation, and congestion management).
Creation of the ETIP for Smart Networks for the Energy Transition
Launched in June 2016, the European Technology and Innovation Platform (ETIP) for Smart Networks for the Energy Transition (SNET) gathers actors from electricity, storage, ICT, heating, transport, and gas and EU member states, academia, research institutes, and the European Commission. It supports the new integrated Strategic Energy Technology Plan.
The mission of the ETIP SNET is to set out a vision for research and innovation towards smart networks, storage, and integrated systems and to engage stakeholders in this vision. It will also identify innovation barriers, notably related to regulation and financing. It is chaired by ENTSO-E’s former Secretary-General Konstantin Staschus.
Download the full annual report